Survey Image


The Tacoma-Parkland Youth Community Map is empowering middle-school and high-school aged youth to influence planning and policymaking processes in their own neighborhoods.

Thank you for your participation.

What is your gender?

How old are you?

What race or ethnicity best describes you? (check all that apply)

What languages do you speak at home? (select all that apply)

If you are a student, which school do you attend?

How often would you say that you spend time around your neighborhood hanging out at a park, walking, biking, riding your skateboard, etc.?

When not in school, in which of the following four types of activities do spend most of your time?

What outdoor or recreational activities have you tried?

What outdoor or recreational activities would you like to try?

What do you love the most about where you live?

Please draw an outline around the area that you consider to be your neighborhood.

Please draw outlines around all the areas where you tend to spend time when you’re not at home, school, or work.

Please draw outlines around all the areas you try to AVOID when you’re not at home, school, or work.

Please draw lines along the routes that you tend to use when you’re walking, biking, or rolling around (not in a car).

Please draw lines along the routes that you try to AVOID when you’re walking, biking, or rolling around (not in a car).

Please place points on the places and things that are important to you.

Please draw outlines around areas where you feel most safe when you’re not at home, work, or school.

Please draw outlines around areas where you feel least safe when you’re not at home, work, or school.

If you could change one thing about your neighborhood, what would it be?

Please share any stories, ideas, final thoughts about where you live.